Written By Seb Pace
Last updated 12 days ago
Type: Action
Description: Gets all members who have accounts in specified apps.
Status: Onboarding/Active/Inactive
Ploy Licensed: Whether the member is Active in Ploy (likely pulling from your Source of Truth)
Internal Domains: Whether the member’s email is part of the approved company domains. Likely to be ‘Yes’ unless the individuals are external to the company.
Has Account In: Filter members depending on what apps they have access to
Has No Account In: Filter members depending on what apps they don’t have access to
Output: All members that meet the criteria.
Example Use Case: Ahead of a SaaS renewal, send a survey to all members that have an account in Figma and ask them whether they still need access or not.
Top Tip: It’s likely that you’ll want to add a ‘For each’ after this node so that you can iterate and apply any downstream actions to each member in the list.