
Written By Seb Pace

Last updated 22 days ago

  1. Navigate to Ploy's integration page in your Ploy account:

  2. Scroll down to the Communication Channels section, do not select the Slack under the Discovery Integrations

  1. Click configure

  2. Click authenticate

    1. It's common to have accounts in multiple Slack workspaces, so make sure you are connecting the correct Slack workspace

  3. Once authenticated name complete the Bot Username field

    1. This is what your employees will see, so name it something like MyCompany SaaS manager

    2. It's entirely up to you and can be changed, but you want to make it look like it's an internal bot so don't call it "Security Bot", MyCompany Security Bot would be better

  4. Finally, add an image for the avatar, this could be your company logo or anything really

  5. Click Test

  6. Click Save