
Written By Seb Pace

Last updated 22 days ago

Below you will find instructions for setting up your Okta account with Ploy. In order to maintain a least privileged level of access, we’ve opted to use an API integration application, rather then an admin API token.

1. Navigate to Ploy

  1. Go to Ploy's integration page: https://app.joinploy.com/integrations

  2. Click Okta

  3. Enter in your Okta Domain

    1. Please note this should be the sub-domain from the Okta login e.g. company.okta.com

2. Go to your Okta account

  1. Select Applications on the left hand nav bar

  2. Click Create App Integration

  3. Select API Services and click Next

3. Name the Application (e.g. Ploy Okta Integration)

Enter Ploy or anything else that will help make it easily recognisable and press next.

4. Select "Edit" so you can start configuring the app

5. Configure "Client authentication"

  1. Click the radio select Public key / Private Key

  2. Select the "Add Key" button

6. Generate a new key

Click the Generate new key button in the top right of the pop-up window

7. Copy Private key

Please do not click the Generate new key button.

  1. Instead scroll down and select the Copy to clipboard action

  2. The click Done

8. Navigate back to Ploy

  1. Go back to Ploy

  2. In the Okta window that is open paste your Private Key that is currently stored in your clipboard

9. Go back to Okta

  • Click save again for the "Client Credentials" configuration

10. Copy the Client ID from Okta

11. Navigate to Ploy and paste the Client ID in the field

12. Go to Okta and grant the required scopes:

Ensure the following 3 scopes are granted access:


13. Assign Ploy admin roles

Next head to the admin assignments tab and add the Read only admin role and the group membership role.

14. If you're app has DPoP enabled (by default all apps after feb 2024) then click 'yes' in Ploy

15. Go back to Ploy and ensure the fields are correctly filled in and press ‘save’. (test might not work)